Healing your Heart.

Distance sessions for
healing and nourishing your heart

Deep Heart
Are you ready to let go of deep-seated, long-term wounds and emotions?  This technique is highly effective in assisting you in letting go, and in filling the areas of the heart that are most in need of support.

Wide Heart
This technique is good to receive when your heart energies are in a state of restriction or limitation.  Many people have areas that are numb; when there is numbness it can be difficult to feel fully.  Wide heart opens up and widens your heart’s energies, so that you may fully experience your emotions and feelings.

White Heart
Do you get stuck in the head?  Or in your emotions?  White Heart is a powerful technique for re-establishing the flow between the head and the heart.  When our head-heart connection is strong, we can access Divine Will and the flow of the Divine much more easily.  This technique is also very effective for healing the physical heart and maintaining a healthy heart.

Puffed Heart
Do you feel challenged by a lack of ability to give or receive love to yourself or others?  Puffed Heart will fill your heart with love, reminding you what love is. 

Cradle of the Heart
This technique is wonderful if you have suffered from a lack of nurturing, especially when it is rooted in the child/mother experience.  The cradle of the heart reprograms the heart energies to bring in the wholeness created with nurturing. 


Each of the sessions above is ½ hour, and includes a follow-up e-mail from Selena.  Choose one of the techniques listed above, or, if you are not sure which technique will best serve you, Selena will tune in and make a recommendation

The 4-week Heart Healing Series
If you would like to go even deeper into your heart work this month, the 4-week series is also available.  The 4-week series provides for a wonderful continuity in your healing.  You receive one of the above techniques once a week for 4 weeks, with feedback from Selena, and specialized assignments for allowing or embracing your heart more fully in your life.  Depending on your individual healing needs, you may receive the same technique for all 4 weeks, or a combination of techniques. 

For more information, rates, or to book your session,
please e-mail Selena at:
