Inner Makeovers

Services for your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Transformation and Well-Being

Through her extensive years of training in some of the most profound energy techniques from traditions around the world, Selena offers a vast repertoire of energy and light services that can be done in person or at a distance. 

The techniques are numerous, and this page showcases a sampling of some of the work that is available. Click on the underlined techniques for detailed descriptions.



Advanced DNA Charts

DNA Mapping

Hanafuda Activations

Light Energy Weave

Ropanium Activations


Druid Initiations

Flower Initiations

Holy Grail Initiation

Lotus Initiations

Masai Initiations

Quantum String Initiation

Distance Healing

Anger Buster

Aura Alignment

Clear Head

Colombian Healing Lights

Electromagnetic Restoration

Four Directions

Heart Healing

Hopi Technique

Other Activations

Courage Activation

Matrix Activation

Pillars of Light

Rebel c


Coaching and Private Tutoring

Distance Coaching

Career Catapult Weekend

Private Tutoring

Private Teacher Training

Personal Growth Series

Change Series

Decisions Series

Door to Success Series

Healing Your Cash

Specialized Topics

Creation Assistance

Gridded Gifts

Magic Cube




To schedule your in person or distance consultation, please contact Selena at


Selena occasionally travels to a city to offer in person classes and consultations.   
If you are interested in having Selena come to your city, please contact her to discover the possibilities.


DISCLAIMER: All material on this web site and in the consultations mentioned on this website is for entertainment or self-help purposes only. Any advice provided through this web site or in consultations by South Beach International Makeovers or Selena Rodriguez is intended for personal use and does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor does it replace medical, nutritional, psychotherapeutic, naturopathic, dental, or aesthetic counseling. Always consult with a physician or other qualified professional before undertaking any program involving physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual transformation.